Blockchain games are on 🔥🔥 these days and Splinterlands is one of them. Splinterlands is one of my favorite games so far. If you are new to this game, read this. In this splinterlands review, I am going to share one of the gameplays and talk about some cards I used. Hope you enjoy it!
Table of Contents
Featured Card: Haunted Spider

Haunted Spider is a low mana cost death splinter monster. It only costs 3 mana but has 2 ranged attack on level 1, which is quite nice. It gets poison ability on level 4, and max level 5 Haunted Spider can be used in the silver league. It has low speed and health but it gets a little better when it levels up. Poison is one of my favorite abilities. I don’t own this card, so I rented it and played some games with it. I had a lot of fun with the card. Let’s dive into the battle!
The Battle
Click the image above and watch the battle!
I’ve done many battles with Haunted Spider but this was the most hilarious one so far. Watch the battle! You will see. 🙂 This battle was held in the Silver League. The mana cap was 14. The game’s rules were ‘Holy Protection’ and ‘Reverse Speed’. I expected a magic team so I picked Bone Golem as my tank, and I was right! I picked monsters with lower speed including the Golem because of the Reverse Speed ruleset. Cards that I used were;
– Contessa L’ament
– Bone Golem
– Furious Chicken
– Haunted Spider
– Cursed Slimeball
The enemy team was a magic team with all magic attackers. The enemy team was;
– Alric Stormbringer
– Lobstradamus
– Ice Pixie
– Enchanted Pixie
My Team

Contessa L’ament has such a hard name. I don’t know how to pronounce it. Laament? I dunno. Anyway, she is a nice death summoner who decreases 1 ranged attack to all enemy monsters. This is a good ability but it really depends on the prediction of what kind of attackers the enemy will bring. Predictions are often wrong, and there are usually at least one melee attackers on any team, so I normally choose Zintar over Contessa.

Bone Golem has the ability void which is very important when dealing with a magic enemy team. It has a low speed but a nice 3 melee attack. Since it has a very low speed, it can be very useful in the Reverse Speed ruleset─like the battle above.

Furious Chicken is a very popular card because of its utility. It only has 1 speed and 1 health, but since it costs no mana it can really be put anywhere anytime. It can fill up an empty spot and take some damage. It is especially great when used with Mylor, because it can give the enemy one more thorns attack!

Today’s featured card ‘Haunted Spider’ is a ranged attacker with only 3 mana cost. It has a nice 2 ranged attack on level 1 and gets poison ability on level 4. Poison alone can deal a lot and you would know that if you’ve ever played in the Poison Ruleset. I really like the card but level 4 Haunted Spider is not very cheap. I wouldn’t spend my money on this right now but later on if I get richer in this game, I would definitely get one.

Cursed Slimeball is kinda cute looking 1 mana cost card. It has a similar utility to Creeping Ooze or Furious Chicken. It gets redemption ability in and above the gold league. I haven’t played in the gold league yet, so I don’t know whether the redemption ability is good or not. I prefer using Chicken and Creeping Ooze, but level 1 Cursed Slimeball is not that bad. It definitely has some utility as well.
Battle Details
Click the image above and watch the battle!
■ Tell us about your lineup. Explain why you put each card in that position and why they are a good fit with the monster.
I predicted a magic team as an enemy team and my prediction was right. So my Bone Golem as the tank was a good choice for this battle. Furious Chicken is in the second position to take one more attack before Haunted Spider goes to the first position and becomes unable to attack. The third is the Haunted Spider, my main attacker in the battle with poison ability. The last is the cursed slimeball. I put it in the last position to protect the spider from possible sneak attackers.
■ Did your strategy work? What will you try differently next time?
Haunted Spider’s poison dealt lots of damage to Lobstradamus with high health. The poison ability indeed played a large part in winning. I didn’t expect the slimeball to finish the last enemy monster, but it did! The opponent would’ve been not happy losing by the little slimeball. 😂
■ Do you like the monster? Why or why not?
Poison is my favorite ability and I love spiders as well. It is a perfect card for me and I would definitely buy it, if it was a little bit cheaper. For now, I’m saving my money for Chaos Legion, and later on if there is a chance, I will get the spider for sure!

I’m really enjoying the game! All the beautiful cards, strategies and battles are fun and exciting. Are you also enjoying the game? Aren’t you playing the game yet? If you aren’t, come join us here. It is so much fun! You will love it!
In the next article, I will talk about other monsters and battles. Stay tuned! See ya.
#splinterlands #play2earn @splinterlands @play2earn