Blockchain games are on 🔥🔥 these days and Splinterlands is one of them. Splinterlands is one of my favorite games so far. If you are new to this game, read this. In this splinterlands review, I am going to share one of the gameplays and talk about some cards I used. Hope you enjoy it!
Table of Contents
Featured Card: Gloridax Soldier

Gloridax Soldier is a rare dragon monster. It is a melee tank and costs 5 mana. It has flying and shield ability on level 1 and gets oppress ability on level 5. You can use max level 4 Gloridax in the silver league, so you only get flying and shield ability. Its stats are not super great but the abilities are quite nice. I rented level 2 Gloridax and played some battles with it, and there was an interesting battle. Let’s get into it!
The Battle
Click the image above and watch the battle!
I didn’t really expect to win but Gloridax really carried this battle. The battle was held in the silver league. The mana cap was 15. The rulesets of the battle were ‘Target Practice’ and ‘Odd Ones Out’. Because of the rulesets, I tried not to use magic and ranged attackers to avoid snipe attacks. I chose sneak attackers but the enemy brought out Zintar, so I thought I was going to lose. Cards that I used were;
– Kretch Tallevor
– Gloridax Soldier
– Uraeus
– Pelacor Bandit
– Albatross
The enemy team was a simple death team with both snipe and sneak attackers. The enemy team was;
– Zintar Mortalis
– Haunted Spirit
– Skeleton Assassin
– Death Elemental
– Cursed Slimeball
My Team

Kretch Tallevor is a very simple summoner with no ability. Cheaper Dragon summoners usually cost 4~5 mana, however Kretch only costs 3 mana. This saved mana can may be used to place one more monster.

Gloridax Soldier’s shield ability is important when dealing with non-magic attackers, and flying ability can be also useful. It has relatively low speed, but flying gives it 25% chance of evading attacks. Evading a few attacks could be a huge deal because in many battles only one or two hits can determine win or lose.

Uraeus is one of the newest reward cards and my favorite. It is a neutral sneak attacker, so it is very versatile. It has 2 melee attack on level 2, and can be used in the silver league. There is a huge difference between 1 and 2 melee attacks. So if you are gonna use the card, it is recommended to make it level 2.

Pelacor Bandit is a water sneak attacker and it is one of the newest reward cards. It has flying ability on level 1 giving it a possibility to evade some attacks. And because of the flying ability, it is useful in the earthquake ruleset. It gets 1 more melee attack on level 4 and max level 5 Bandit can be used in the silver league.

Albatross costs only 1 mana and its usage is somewhat similar to Creeping Ooze. It has 1 speed and 1 health on level 1. It also has flying ability but don’t expect too much for Albatross to evade attacks. But it is a good filler monster.
Battle Details
Click the image above and watch the battle!
■ Tell us about your lineup. Explain why you put each card in that position and why they are a good fit with the monster.
I chose to use all melee attackers in my team to avoid snipe attacks since the ruleset was Target Practice. This was a low mana capped battle and I could only use odd mana cost monsters, so sneak attackers were my best shot. I placed Gloridax Soldier as a tank because of its shield ability. My two main sneak attackers were Uraeus and Pelacor Bandit. The enemy’s favorite splinter was death, and I predicted that there might be a sneak attacker in the enemy team. That’s why I placed Albatross in the back and my prediction was right.
■ Did your strategy work? What will you try differently next time?
I predicted the enemy team would use Contessa as a summoner but he/she brought out Zintar and I thought I would lose the battle. But thanks to Gloridax’s flying ability, it evaded a few attacks and I won! I want to try Daria Dragonscale as my summoner but it’s damn expensive to rent. If I used Daria as my summoner I might have won easily, even if Gloridax didn’t evade the attacks.
■ Do you like the monster? Why or why not?
I like tanks with flying ability. When it evades attacks, it feels so good. But right now magic team is a popular meta, so I don’t get to use tanks without void or magic reflect a lot. Gloridax itself is not a bad tank but there are a lot of better tanks, so I’m not sure I will be using the card often.

I’m really enjoying the game! All the beautiful cards, strategies and battles are fun and exciting. Are you also enjoying the game? Aren’t you playing the game yet? If you aren’t, come join us here. It is so much fun! You will love it!
In the next article, I will talk about other monsters and battles. Stay tuned! See ya.
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